Impact of ILE on Learners’ Motivation while Learning Mathematics at Secondary School Level
Interactive Learning Environment, Motivation, Teacher Support, Cooperation, Equity, Task orientation, Student’s cohesiveness, Student’s involvement and InvestigationAbstract
This paper reports a quantitative study related to Interactive Learning Environment and motivation of secondary school mathematics students. The aim of this research was to measure the impact of Interactive Learning Environment on Student’s motivation. The respondents were chosen from the public secondary schools situated in Islamabad (Federal Territory), working under control of Federal Directorate of school education. There were 101 public schools out of which 56 were for girls and 45 were for boys. This research study was delimited to pupil of grade 10th only. Total 12810 students were studying in these schools in grade tenth, out of which about 2 percent were selected randomly. Thus the sample of the study was 260 students. A questionnaire “What Is Happening in the Class (WIHIC)”was adapted and utilized to study the prevailing practices regarding to learning environment of the classroom. To determine the students’ level of motivation “Motivation Assessment Scale (MAS)” was used. The instruments were validated by professionals from the field of education and educational psychology. The reliability of the instrument was determined by using Cronbach Alpha which was found 0.89 for WIHIC questionnaire and 0.82 for MAS. Student’s cohesiveness was found most prevailing practice related to classroom learning environment in maths classrooms and maximum number of the students were at medium level of motivation. Findings also reveal that Interactive learning environment motivate the learners utmost. The major recommendation of the study was that learning environment may be interactive and directed in such a way that it should motivate the learners to learn and perform better.
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