Education as Practice of Emancipation: A Critical Study of Educational Approach of Classical Pashto Poet Khushal Khan Khattak
Education, learning commitment, Khushal Khan Khattak, Character ethics, LeadershipAbstract
Postmodern discourse on education, learning, and cognitive development of children and adolescents take us back to the fundamental questions of personality ethics, character ethics, skills and knowledge. Before the advent of European colonial system, most of the indigenous oriental communities had a vivid and tangible approach and philosophy of education, which is seldom heard and least discussed in the contemporary discourse. This research paper is going to unpack the educational paradigm of one of the most prominent poets, warrior, strategist, jurist, anthropologist, and nationalist leader known as Khushal Khan Khattak. The ideas, ideals and philosophy of Khushal Khan have been unearthed through various scholastic endeavors including 10 Ph.Ds in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia and other parts of the world. This paper takes on the glimpses from the poetry and prose of Khan especially with reference to his endeavors to nurture adolescents and children to cope up with challenges and opportunities. Khushal’s 20 traits/habits and 20 skills/arts narrated in his reckoned prose book “Dasthar-nama” are analyzed as core determinants of the ideological paradigms of his educational approach.
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