A Correlational Study on Students’ Learning Styles and their Academic Achievement at Secondary Level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Learning styles, Academic Achievement, Secondary School Students, Social, Visual, Verbal, LogicalAbstract
Individual differences are of different kind which affects the overall performance of students at secondary school level. Learning styles of students are among those individual differences which are important in many perspectives including students’ academic achievement, as these styles affects student’s classroom learning. Therefore, this study investigated the secondary schools’ students’ learning styles in relation to their academic achievement in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The objectives of this were to investigate the students’ learning styles, to measure their academic achievement and to investigate the relationship between students’ learning styles and their academic achievement. The study was quantitative correlational in nature and a descriptive methodology was followed in investigate the research problem. All secondary schools’ students of grade 10th were included in population and through simple randoms sampling technique a representative 400 students were selected for the sample group. A self-developed questionnaire was used to measure students learning styles and their 9th grade marks were utilized for academic achievement of students. The results revealed that mostly students followed visual, auditory, and social learning styles and these learning styles have positive correlation with their academic achievement. It was recommended that teachers may adjust their instructional style to the diversified learning students so that all students could effectively benefit from classroom teaching at secondary school level.
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