Effect of 7 E’S Model on Problem Solving Ability of Students in Mathematics at Secondary Level
7E’s model, conventional method, Pretest-posttest, educationist, curriculum wing, approaches, classroom practicesAbstract
The utmost and unique aim of the research was to find out the effect of teaching using 7E’s model against conventional method of teaching. The design of the study was pretest-posttest control group. Sixty students of mathematics enrolled in 10th class of Government High School Bhakral, Rawalpindi were selected purposively. Experimental group students were given treatment using 7E’s model while control group students were instructed using conventional method of teaching. Pretest-posttest were used as data collection instrument. Three hypotheses were tested using t-test and ANOVA. Independent sample t-test showed that there was a significant difference in the mean scores of experimental and control groups. 7E’s model proved more effective than the conventional method of teaching. Findings and conclusions would be beneficial for the educationist and curriculum wing for the development and implementation process of new approaches for the upbringing of classroom practices.
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