Delay in Promotions Process of High School Teachers: A Mixed Method Study of School Administration Practices in Govt. of Sindh Pakistan
Administration, Practices, Delay, Promotions, High School TeachersAbstract
School administration in Pakistan is a dilapidated system which need of a paradigm change from bureaucratic to pedagogical leadership. The promotion of senior high school teachers to administrative positions is a transform of role from teaching to administration. The present study aims at to investigate hierarchy of promotions of the posts of head teachers (School Administration Officers) are in BPS 17, up to BPS -20. The stratified random sampling techniques used to collect data from (n= 71), male and female teachers, and, (n= 328) boys and (n=213) girls Government secondary and Higher Secondary Schools at district Karachi central. The mixed method research design, the quantitative approach, surveys were conducted while in qualitative part In-depth semi structured interviews were collected. The study finding reveals that the managerial style and its relationship with head teacher directly impact on official and environment of the school. It is also recommended that the promotion related problem must be addressed properly and a comprehensive policies and plans must be implemented for administrative practices. This study will help to improving teachers and particularly schools to create an educational culture at Sindh in Pakistan.
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