Impact of Teachers’ Professional Trainings on Students’ Learning at Secondary Level in Punjab Province, Pakistan: Problems and Prospects
Professional Trainings, Challenges, Improvement, ICT, Students’ LearningAbstract
Teachers are national builders, responsible to educate students in better ways. Professionally trained teachers by using advanced innovative pedagogical skills in classrooms, produce good results. Purpose of this study was to highlight importance of teachers’ professional trainings, problems, effects on improving students’ learning and suggest some measures to overcome these problems. Population of the study, comprised on all teachers 3781 (2266 M+1515 F) teaching secondary classes in total 185 (109 M+76 F/M) public secondary schools of Okara district. Sample of the study consisted on 300 (150M+150F/M) teachers (5 teachers from each school), selected through random sampling technique from 60 (30M+30F/M) schools both from rural and urban areas of Okara district. Data was collected through a self-developed questionnaire comprised on Five - point Likert scale. Statistical tools like standard deviation, mean score, frequency and percentages were used to find answer of the research questios. It was revealed that teachers’ professional trainings has positive impact on students’ learning. It was also found that due to lack of updated regular professional trainings, teachers were facing many problems in classrooms. It was recommended that advanced ICT related innovative professional training courses may be run for all teachers on regular bases for improving students’ learning.
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