An Experimental Study of Spatial Vocabulary Teaching in the Subject of English through Four Steps Strategy at Elementary Level
Four Steps Strategy, Spatial Vocabulary, EnglishAbstract
The study was an experimental study of spatial vocabulary in the subject of English. The subject was taught through four steps strategy at elementary level. Also the same subject was taught through lecture method. The major objectives of the study were: (i) to explore the effects of four steps strategy on the spatial vocabulary enhancement of elementary school students, (ii) to investigate the effect of four steps strategy on the spatial vocabulary enhancement of male elementary students, (iii) to measure the effect of four steps strategy on the spatial vocabulary enhancement of female elementary school students. To achieve the objectives, the following null hypotheses were tested: (i) there is no significant effect of four steps strategy on the spatial vocabulary enhancement of elementary school students, (ii) there is no significant effects of four steps strategy on the spatial vocabulary enhancement of male elementary school students. All the students of Grade-III from Army Public Schools and Colleges of province Khyber Pakhtunkhwa were the population of this study. Sample of the study was 20 students (girls & boys) of Army Public School and College (Iqra) Risalpur Cantt District Nowshera by using random sampling technique. Pre-test and post-test single group four cycle designs were used as a tool for data collection in this study to measure the performance of the students. In four cycle experimental design, same group was exposed to experiment and lecture method of teaching. After the exposing, groups (experimental/control) were interchanged for getting accurate results. The data obtained was tabulated and analysed using paired t-test in the light objectives of the study. The analysis of the collected data revealed the following findings; it was revealed from the results that four steps strategy had significant effect on spatial vocabulary enhancement at elementary level. The result of the study showed that four steps strategy had significant effect on the spatial vocabulary enhancement of male and female elementary school students. It is recommended that the teacher should apply four steps strategy to foster the academic achievements of the students. This study will be beneficial for students, teachers and curriculum developer.
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