A Qualitative Inquiry into School Reforms in Balochistan (2013 to 2020): Parents’ and Teachers’ Perspectives
Curriculum, Evaluation, Infrastructure, Monitoring, Reforms, TextbookAbstract
This qualitative study aimed to highlight parents’ and teachers’ perspectives on school reforms during 2013-2020 in Balochistan. This study is informed by the epistemological cannons of interpretivists’ tradition. In this research, qualitative research design is used, and exploratory research method is employed. A sample size of 20 participants was interviewed through In-depth interview schedule that includes ten parents and teachers each working in public schools. Moreover, purposive sampling technique was employed to interview the Teachers and parents whose children are studying in public schools. Thus, the data were recorded, transcribed, and interpreted through thematic analysis. The study found that free text provision, teacher training, teachers capacity building, the medium of instruction, infrastructure provision, curriculum development, monitoring, and evaluation system still require great attention of the concerned authority to properly implement the reforms and promote literacy in the area. The study suggests that the education sector plan should be seriously implemented with the provision of required resources to observe the prosperous future of Balochistan public schools.
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