Role of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing in Improving L2 Leaners’ Target Language Speaking Skill in Multilingual Settings


  • Danyal Raza Visiting Lecturer, Department of English, Ghazi University Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan
  • Afraz Latif Visiting Lecturer, Department of English, Ghazi University Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan
  • Waqar Raza Visiting Lecturer, Department of English, Ghazi University Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan



BS, Code-Switching, Code-Mixing, L2, Learners


The core purpose of the research was to explore the conceivable factors that can assist English language learners to expand their speaking skills while using code-switching and code-mixing in multilingual settings. The respondents of this research article were male and female English language learners, learning English at BS level enrolled in public and private universities and colleges of the district of Multan. Structured questionnaire was the tool for data collection in which the respondents were invited to stipulate their level of confirmation or disparity on four-point rating scale model. The results and findings of the study data indicated that all the foreign language learners were consistently approved and said “Yes” on all the proposed statements of the questionnaire. The evaluated data disclosed that L2 learners think that with the help of code-switching and code-mixing they can speak out English language lessons easily, their mother tongue can help them in communicating and understanding the difficult questions and answers reported in their syllabus easily, code switching can assist L2 learners during the communication with teachers and students, L2 learners tremble when they have to speak in English in front of big gathering without using mother tongue, they have strong inclination towards code-switching for improving their pronunciation, code-switching and code-mixing can assist them in group discussion in foreign language classroom and that code switching can assist them to comprehend the themes of the stories proposed in their L2 syllabus


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How to Cite

Raza, D. ., Latif, A. ., & Raza, W. . (2022). Role of Code-Switching and Code-Mixing in Improving L2 Leaners’ Target Language Speaking Skill in Multilingual Settings. International Research Journal of Education and Innovation, 3(2), 1–16.