Supply Chain Capabilities and Supply Chain Reponsivenss: The Mediating Role of Supply Chain Information
Supply chain coordination exchange capabilities, Supply chain integration capabilities, Supply chain responsive, Supply chain information exchangeAbstract
The supply chain responsive is an important for service-oriented firms including courier-based firms. The key objectives of present study are examining the mediating effect Supply chain information exchange between supply chain coordination exchange capabilities and supply chain integration capabilities for supply chain responsive in courier service-oriented firms in Sindh. The study gathered data with help of adopted questionnaire through survey method and 160 employees from courier companies participated. In order to achieve the research objectives data were analyzed via AMOS version 24. The confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling were conducted. Findings, confirmed the partial mediation effect for both variables supply chain coordination exchange capabilities and supply chain integration capabilities for supply chain responsive in courier service-oriented firms in Sindh, Pakistan. The results of study are insight for top management and managers in order to develop effective and efficient supply chain strategies in courier service-oriented firms in Sindh, Pakistan. The selected supply chain capabilities including coordination and integration are important for supply chain responsive for gaining the consumer confidence and satisfaction with better market sharers in future.
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