Analysis of Career Aspiration and Teaching Profession among Women Choices at Graduate Level in Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Career Aspirations, teaching profession, choices, educated femaleAbstract
This study intends to make analysis of career aspirations and teaching profession among women choices at graduate level in Azad Jammu & Kashmir. The objectives of this research was to assess the choice of female in selecting teaching as a profession and to find out association between family type and teaching profession of graduate students. Population consisted of females’ graduate students of three universities of Azad Jammu & Kashmir. A sample of 450 female students were surveyed from 3 universities of Azad Jammu & Kashmir through questionnaire, 418 completed questionnaires were returned. The questionnaire was pilot tested producing the reliability value as (α =.726). Data was analyzed by applying regression, chi square. The study found that from total population 203 respondents prefer to choose teaching as a profession. Type of family is significant however family members are insignificant variable. It is also found that majority of female like to work in government department. It is recommended that the female need to be motivated for other professions as well. They should be provided opportunities in other professions with same security and other.
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