Development and Validation of Teachers’ Performance Appraisal Scale (TPAS) for Public Primary Schools of Punjab
performance evaluation, appraisal scale, school teachers, public schools, primary schoolAbstract
The purpose of research in hand was to develop and validate Teachers’ Performance Appraisal Scale (TPAS) to appraise the performance of public primary school teachers of Punjab (Pakistan). The five distinctive dimensions of performance through TPAS were teaching-learning, classroom management, assessment, teacher-student relationship and staff collaboration. Data were collected from 1080 male and female public primary school teachers from nine districts with low, average and high school performance. The experts’ opinion was also incorporated in order to enhance content validity of TPAS. The reliability coefficient of TPAS was observed as (α=.915). The current TPAS comprised on 28 statements. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) were also carried out. The factor loading of all factors and items were above the threshold value 0.50. The findings of said research indicate that current TPAS is valid and capable in order to appraise performance of public primary school teachers. It is recommended that TPAS may be used by the authorities for teachers' appraisal for the improvement of quality of teaching and learning in primary schools.
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