An Exploration of The Multiple Role of Library in The Educational Activities at University Level
Library, multi-disciplinary, multi-mode, multimedia, frequently, boost-up etcAbstract
The present specialized libraries are relied upon multi-disciplinary, multi-mode; multi-media as the specialized instruction requests it to assume the supporting part. This study focused on the objective to explore the multiple roles of library in students’ educational activities at university level. Therefore, a survey was conducted at the social science block of Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan. Total Numbers of one hundred participants from social science discipline were randomly selected and data were collected through a self-made questionnaire. The questionnaire was pilot tested and gathers the data. Furthermore, data were analyzed by using percentage, mean scores and standard deviation were accordingly. Collected data showed that university students frequently visited library to boost-up their learning capabilities. The results of the collected data showed that library is a free source to educational activities and students easily access towards relevant material available at their approach. The major recommendation of study intensive on Higher Education Commission of Pakistan should take serious steps towards catalogue training for university teachers and students.
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