Lesson Study Model versus Traditional Methods of Teaching: Effects on Prospective Teachers’ Instructional Practices and Students’ Achievement
Instructional Practice, Prospective Teachers, Academic Performance, Schools’ Students, Lesson Study Model, Traditional Method of TeachingAbstract
This study aimed to compare the Prospective Teachers’ (PTs) instructional practices and students’ academic performances based on the practice of Lesson Study (LS) model and traditional methods of teaching. This study also evaluated the effectiveness of LS model in improving PTs’ instructional practices and students’ academic performance. It was a quantitative study and a post-test-only control group design was utilized in this research. 19 Prospective Teachers (PTs) of the BS (Hons) education program and 2576 students of 6th and 7th grade (1288+1288) constituted the population of the study. A stratified sampling technique was used to select 4 institutions. A simple random sampling technique was used to select 4 sections (of grades 6th and 7th) and the total number of students in these sections was 134. The purposive sampling technique was used to select eight PTs for the experimental group (4+4) and two PTs for the control group (1+1) keeping in view the similarity of subject and class. Major data collection tools were observation sheets and class tests. The data collection process was based on the duration of 10 weeks. For data analysis, mean scores, values of t-test, and hedges g formula were calculated. Results of the study showed a significant difference in the instructional practices of teachers and the academic performance of students based on utilizing the LS model and traditional ways of teaching. It was recommended that initiatives may be taken by teacher educators and schools administrators to practice the LS model during the training of PTs.
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