School Climate and its Relationship with Students’ Academic Achievement
School Climate, School Atmosphere, Academic Achievement, School Culture, School EnvironmentAbstract
This correlational study is to describe the levels of school climate and its relationship with students’ academic achievement. The population of the study consisted of all students of Zarghoon Town, Quetta, Balochistan, Pakistan who were attending public high schools. In accordance with the L.R. Gay criterion, out of 1650, 328 students or 20% of the class was chosen as the sample. One sample t-test was used to determine how students felt about the school, and Pearson Correlation was used to determine how well students performed academically in relation to the school atmosphere. According to the study's findings, students believe that having a supportive school environment is crucial for their academic achievement. Additionally, there is a correlation between students' academic success and the climate of the school.
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