Revealing the types of Teachers’ Aggressive Behavior Affecting Students’ Academic Achievement in K-12
Aggressive Behavior, Behavior, Learner Competencies, K-12Abstract
Good behavior is a prerequisite for effective teaching and learning and is also a fundamental educational outcome that society should demand. They will become more impatient and uneducated if we do not provide the good order and good results that society expects from instructors. The main purpose of this study was to explore the types of aggressive behavior that affects the academic performance of K-12 students. Population of the study consisted of all students (621) during the year 2020-2021 from the Federal Government Boys School & Colleges, Rawalpindi. Random sampling technique was used in the selection of sample. Self-structured Questionnaire was used as a research tool with five-point Likert Scale. Due to students’ low performance in their studies, teachers get aggressive. It was common practice that teachers abuse at school and disrespect students. They threaten to fail the students. Teachers always keep the students under pressure and make them work. The highest number of respondents were disagreed that teachers always speak to the students in a very strict tone and always speak too fast as well as they don’t use mobile phones in the classroom all the time at classroom. Teachers give physical punishment to students.References
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