An Evaluative Study of Decentralization Practices of Head Teachers in District Kech Balochistan
Decentralization Practices, Evaluative Study, Head Teacher, Quantitative ResearchAbstract
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the decentralization practices of head teacher at District Kech Balochistan. The nature of the study was quantitative and survey type. The population is comprised of 78 of which 45 Boys and 30 Girls’ Secondary Schools, DEO Male, DOE Female and Divisional Director School. There are total 78 Girls and Boys Secondary School in Kech. Pilot testing was done in 10 schools out of 78. Questionnaire was used as research tool. The questionnaire was comprised of closed-ended questions. The reliability of these tools were calculated through SPSS (Version, 22). After finalizing and pilot testing, the questionnaire was distributed to the respondent for collecting data. The questionnaires were served through postage, email by hand in face-to-face meeting by the researcher to the respondent. The questionnaire was scrutinized for errors and omission, ambiguity and relevance. The reliability was calculated through SPSS (Version, 22). After finalizing and pilot testing from 10 head teachers out of 75, the questionnaire were distributed among respondents for collecting data. After their feedback and views, questionnaires were improved. The data were obtained through questionnaires and analyzed by using, Chi square, percentage and mean.
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