Drop-Out Phenomena at Secondary School Level: A Case Study of Factors of Drop-Out
Drop-Out, Phenomena, Cultural Factors, School Factors, Secondary School LevelAbstract
The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting dropout phenomena at secondary level of district Kech. Quantitative approach was used in this study. The design of the study was descriptive and survey type. The population of the study was consisted of 26 heads of school, 104 teachers, 156 drop out students (male and female) and their parents. By using universal sampling 100% (26) head teachers were selected and by using purposive sampling 50 % (52) secondary school teachers 50% (78) dropped out students during 2013 to 2016 both male and female and their parents were selected. Two tools were used in the study for data collection. Questionnaire was used for head teachers, secondary school teachers and drop out students. The data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed through descriptive statistics (Percentage, Frequency, Mean Score). It was recommended that, for over age children (dropouts) non formal curriculum should be introduced in government schools. For the enhancement of professional capabilities, need base refresher courses, workshops and seminars should be organized for head-teachers and teachers. Follow-up programs would be arranged to bring back dropped out students into school.
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