Challenges Faced By Prospective Teachers towards the Efficacy of Teacher Education in Balochistan
Challenges, Prospective Teachers, Teacher Education, InfrastructureAbstract
Teachers are our greatest assets; they serve their lives in helping and educating the new generation for a prosperous nation. Teachers always leave some lasting impacts for any society. The major objective of the study is to explore administrative, infrastructure and instructor related challenges of the PTs in their respective institutions in Balochistan, Pakistan. The literature and the result of the study reveal that PT and the Teacher Education institutions are important factors for a nation development. The research study was carried through phenomenological approach and the data were collected concluded semi-structure interview and focused group interview. The interview themes were drawn through the research questions and were analyses through the thematic analysis. The findings of the study suggest that the institutions which are providing Teacher Education in Balochistan are facing some chronic issues and they need some precautionary steps and alteration to fix the challenges of the Students-teachers. The qualitative aspect of the research and data collection demonstrate that major reasons of the PTs’ challenges are the; incompetent teachers, gaps between the administrators and the students, delay of the final result, lack of resources and the budgeting constraints etc. The research was executed in 4 public universities in Balochistan. In each university, nearly 5-8 participants were selected randomly as interview participants from the B.Ed. final enrolled students. The sampling institutions were the UoB Quetta, AIOU Islamabad (Turbat Campus), LUAWMS University, and UoT.
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