An Experimental Study on the Impact of Digital Textbooks on the Academic Achievement of Elementary School Students


  • Sabir Hussain Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Educational Training, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
  • Sabir Hussain M.Phil. Scholar, Department of Education, Institute of Southern Punjab, Multan, Punjab, Pakistan.


Digital textbooks, Soft books, PDF


Education is undergoing a period of revolutionary change as the globe experiences economic, technical, and educational development. Before paper came around, people would carve designs into stone or write on leather or tree bark. The production of paper is an extremely costly operation, hence we must cease using it immediately. Second, it's not sustainable because it's heavy for kids to handle and because it pollutes the environment. Unfit for the role. These paper books are now obsolete because digital textbooks have solved all these problems. Thirty-seventh graders from Al-Rafiq Public Elementary School participated in the study as subjects. Half of the students in the control group received their education through traditional textbooks, while the other half received their instruction in a more modern, digital format using tools like artificial intelligence (AI), video lectures, and a WhatsApp group. Children who were taught using digital books had considerably better scores on the summative achievement exam, which was administered to both groups as a post-test. Students who studied from electronic books performed marginally better on Power tests (which include essay questions) but substantially better on Speed tests (which include multiple-choice questions). Students who were given the Power test to complete on paper managed to do so within the allotted time; however, this may be remedied with some practice on a computer keyboard. The hard shape has no discernible impact on children's eyesight or hearing. The prevalent condition of color blindness has been diagnosed in children with textbooks. Digital textbooks should be supported by the government. Along with providing teachers with specialized training, every school should provide students with access to a library of tablets.


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How to Cite

Hussain, S. ., & Hussain, S. . (2024). An Experimental Study on the Impact of Digital Textbooks on the Academic Achievement of Elementary School Students . International Research Journal of Education and Innovation, 5(1), 16–27. Retrieved from

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