A Study of The Achievement of Training Objectives of Provincial Training Institutions for Heads of Secondary Schools in Pakistan


  • Dr. Shahji Ahmad Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Loralai, Balochistan.
  • Mr. Fazal Hayat Lecturer, Department of Education, University of Loralai, Balochistan.
  • Dr. Nabi Gul Ex-PhD Scholar Qurtuba University of Science and Information Technology Peshawar




training, leadership, secondary education


The study was sought to assess the achievement of training objectives of provincial training institutions for heads of secondary schools in Pakistan. Study was descriptive in nature.430 trained secondary school heads constituted the population of the study. Out of the total population 400 respondents were randomly selected. Data was collected through questionnaire and analyzed by  t-test. Findings of the study revealed that the training has enhanced their understanding about the concept of leadership and management, development planning skills, knowledge of office management, human resource management, teaching learning process, parents, and community participation in school improvement initiatives. However, the training has not enhanced their understanding about the concept of financial management in both provinces. It was recommended that financial management aspect of training programs should be improved in both the provinces. In addition, the heads should be trained in information technology.


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How to Cite

Ahmad, D. S., Hayat, M. F., & Gul, D. N. (2021). A Study of The Achievement of Training Objectives of Provincial Training Institutions for Heads of Secondary Schools in Pakistan. International Research Journal of Education and Innovation, 2(3), 154–167. https://doi.org/10.53575/irjei.v2.03(21)14.154-167