Customer Satisfaction Standards According to Islamic and Conventional Banking System in Pakistan


  • Dr. Aijaz Ali Khoso Professor, Department of Islamic Studies Al-Hamd Islamic University, Islamabad Campus.
  • Dr. Muneer Ahmed Head of the Department of Islamic Studies, Al-Hamd Islamic University, Islamabad Campus
  • Dr. Muhammad Shoaib Khan Pathan Assistant Professor, Government College University Hyderabad.



Conventional Banking, Islamic Banking, Awareness, Customer Satisfaction, Usage, Pakistan, Understanding


This study analyzed consumer loyalty with Islamic banks and ordinary banks in Pakistan. The historical backdrop of regular banks in Pakistan is superior to that of Islamic banks. The improvement of an Islamic financial framework in Pakistan is at an untimely stage. In Pakistan, not many banks offer clean Islamic financial administrations to their clients. This concentrate likewise analyzes consumer loyalty with the administrations of traditional banks as well as Islamic banks. Our objective region is the Pakistani financial area, and the information comes from interviews with five Islamic banks and five ordinary banks in Pakistan. The aftereffect of this exploration showed that the clients of the two banks were from Islamic banks or traditional banks were happy with the offices given by the banks, notwithstanding, the clients of regular banks were happier with Islamic banks. Hypothetically, current investigations supplement the writing on the above viewpoints and connection them to consumer loyalty. Simultaneously, it causes to notice the factors that are fundamental for the advancement of Pakistan's Islamic financial framework. The discoveries likewise give important data and direction to Islamic banks to plan creative item advancement procedures and publicizing approaches to hold existing clients and draw in possible clients. This study extends the extent of the accessible writing on Islamic banking; However, it doesn't address the situation of the ordinary financial area.


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How to Cite

Khoso, D. A. A. ., Ahmed, D. M. ., & Khan Pathan, D. M. S. (2022). Customer Satisfaction Standards According to Islamic and Conventional Banking System in Pakistan. International Research Journal of Education and Innovation, 3(2), 185–194.

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