Examining the Relationship Between Homeownership Status and Secondary Students’ Academic Achievement


  • Dr. Muhammad Anees ul Husnain Shah Associate Professor, Department of Education, University of Education Lahore, D.G Khan Campus.
  • Sabir Hussain Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Educational Training, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.
  • Dr. Aijaz Ali Khoso Assistant Professor, University of Sufism & Modern Sciences, Bhitshah, Sindh.


homeownership, academic achievement, housing stability, socio-economic factors, educational equity


This research explores how owning a home impacts the academic performance of secondary school students, with a focus on the role of housing stability and socio-economic factors. The study was correlational and quantitative. The students of the 10th grade were randomly selected from Male Public Secondary Schools in Tehsil Muzaffargarh District Dera Ghazi Khan. The sample was 340 male Rural and Urban Public Secondary School students. The study found a small but meaningful positive link: homeownership explains 1.8% of the variation in academic outcomes (R² = .018) and has a beta coefficient of .134. This suggests that having stable housing supports better educational results. Owning a home promotes stability, access to resources, and a conducive learning environment, while also reflecting broader socio-economic benefits. However, these benefits may vary with monetary pressure, structural habitat, and the neighborhood atmosphere. This study therefore advises that there be cost-effective housing programs, where the plans of housing be intensified in education strategies, and additional support be given to students experiencing unstable housing. In general, it portrays how stable housing features will play a major role in equity and student success.


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How to Cite

Shah, D. M. A. ul H. ., Hussain, S. ., & Khoso, D. A. A. . (2022). Examining the Relationship Between Homeownership Status and Secondary Students’ Academic Achievement. International Research Journal of Education and Innovation, 3(1), 398–407. Retrieved from https://irjei.com/index.php/irjei/article/view/219

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