A Study on the Quality of Secondary Education in Government and Punjab Education Foundation Institutions about Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG-4) 2025


  • Sabir Hussain Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Educational Training, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.


SDG-4, Punjab Education Foundation schools, government secondary schools, administration quality, teaching quality, school infrastructure quality, co-curricular activities, school climate


A nation's progress depends on its educational system, and this is especially true at the secondary school level, which serves as a stepping stone to tertiary education. This study set out to compare the secondary schools run by the Punjab Education Foundation with those run by the government in terms of providing a high-quality education that contributes to sustainable development. 4. The initial step was to use a simple random sample technique to select secondary schools from each district. Out of these, 12 were from the government and 12 were from the Punjab Education Foundation. In total, 36 secondary schools were chosen, with three teachers chosen from each school. So, 108 secondary school educators were chosen from the Punjab Education Foundation and 108 from the government. A total of 216 male and female educators with 1–10 years of experience were included in the sample. Their ages ranged from 18 to 35. The research set out to compare and contrast the secondary education systems run by the Punjab Education Foundation with those run by the government. The National Integration and the Inter-Provincial Education Ministers Conference (IPEMC) approved a set of minimum standards to be used as indicators to evaluate the quality of education. These standards cover areas such as school administration, teaching staff, extracurricular activities, school climate, and school infrastructure. This study set out to test the hypothesis that school administration, faculty, facilities, school climate, and extracurricular activities are all similarly high-quality. Quality standards such as administration, instruction, facilities, school spirit, and extracurricular activities were measured using a 5-point Likert scale. The two kinds of educational systems were compared using independent sample t-tests. In comparison to schools run by the Punjab Education Foundation, it was determined that public secondary schools in the province are superior in every way and adhere to the highest quality standards. To achieve the vision of Sustainable Development Goal No. 4 (SDG-4) 2025 and improve the quality of administration, faculty, facilities, school environment, and extracurricular activities, it is advised that Punjab Education Foundation Secondary Schools adhere to the minimal quality standard established by the Punjab minister of education.


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How to Cite

Hussain, S. . (2023). A Study on the Quality of Secondary Education in Government and Punjab Education Foundation Institutions about Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG-4) 2025 . International Research Journal of Education and Innovation, 4(3), 41–55. Retrieved from https://irjei.com/index.php/irjei/article/view/200