Head Teacher AS A Leader: An Analysis of Head Teachers Practices Based on Hersey Blanchard Model in Azad Jammu & Kashmir
Leader, Public, Private, Comparison, Hersey Blanchard, ModelAbstract
The purpose of the study was to compare the leadership practices based on Hersey Blanchard model in AJK. The major objective of this study were to: compare the leadership practices of male and female Head teacher based on Hersey Blanchard Model, compare the leadership practices of public and private school Head teachers based on Hersey Blanchard Model. The study was descriptive in nature as it based on survey. The population of the study were Head Teachers of three District of AJK i.e. (kotli, Sudhnuti and Poonch) Stratified sampling technique was used for selecting the sample. The sample is selected according to (Gay, 2009). Data were collected using a survey questionnaire prepared on five-point Likert scale. Collected data were analyzed through independent sample t- test. On the basis of analysis and findings conclusion were drawn that the leadership practices of male Head teachers are better as compare to female Head teachers regarding direction and coaching while in supporting and delegation female Head teachers’ practices are better as compare to male Head teachers’ practices. It was concluded that the leadership practices of private Head teachers are better as compare to public Head teachers regarding direction, coaching and supporting while in delegation, public Head teachers’ practices are better than private Head teachers’ practices. The finding of the study recommended some ideas to be made for improving leadership practices. Government should provide forum in which both public and Private Head teacher share their practices. Government should upgrade their teacher and Head teacher regarding coaching according to modern era. Department of education should organize a proper ongoing training for their teacher and Head teacher regarding directing, coaching, supporting and delegation. The management of private schools should organize a proper ongoing training for their teacher and Head teacher regarding directing, coaching, supporting and delegation.
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