Problems of English Teachers at Secondary Level in Azad Jammu & Kashmir


  • Abdul Karim Ph.D. Scholar, Mohi-ud-din Islamic University Nerian Sharif , AJ&K, Pakistan
  • Mehtab Hussain Ph.D. Scholar, Mohi-ud-din Islamic University Nerian Sharif , AJ&K, Pakistan
  • Khalida Naheed Ph.D. Scholar, Mohi-ud-din Islamic University Nerian Sharif , AJ&K, Pakistan



Problems, Teachers, Secondary Level, AJ&K, Curriculum, Classical languages, schools


The teaching of English language holds an important position in the educational curricula of the whole world. The educationists of all times have advocated the study of more than one language for multi purposes. In the past classical languages like Persian, Arabic and Sanskrit in the East, and Latin and Greek in the West were held in high esteem. The study of one or more of these languages was considered vital for the complete education of the young people. In current era, the study of only modern and living languages is considered important because of the mass communication at the national level for students in the middle and western middle schools; the modern language is the second language. (Abbott, 2012).


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How to Cite

Karim , A., Hussain , M., & Naheed, K. . (2021). Problems of English Teachers at Secondary Level in Azad Jammu & Kashmir. International Research Journal of Education and Innovation, 2(3), 86–96.

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